

在香港, 中秋節是其中一個重要的傳統節日。為你的家人和朋友們送上一個新鮮水果籃配上一盒美味的中秋月餅,奶皇月餅或流心月餅共享這個快樂時光是必須的。我們花店提供新鮮季節性水果籃, 種類包括: 蘋果, 橙, 梨, 奇異果, 提子, 菠蘿, 芒果, 火龍果, 藍莓, 士多啤梨, 桃等等. 水果籃可配上月餅, 面類, 紅酒或香檳來配合你的所需, 水果會根據當下的時令來提供。

Maxim Low Sugar Yellow Lotus Moon Cake with Egg Yolk Collection
Sugar alcohols instead of sugar, its suitable for people who concerned about health, original grain ..
Maxim White Lotus Seed Paste Moon Cake with 2 Egg Yolks
Thick smooth and delicate lotus seed paste with egg yolk, is the best taste for the mid autumn. ..
Maxim Yellow Lotus Seed Paste Moon Cake with 2 Egg Yolks
Lotus seed paste carefully frying by master, sweet and fragrant sauvignon with top grade salted egg ..
Wing Wah Low Sugar Moon Cake with Egg Yolk Collection
Sugar alcohols instead of sugar, its suitable for people who concerned about health, original grain ..
Wing Wah White Lotus Seed Paste Moon Cake with 2 Egg Yolks
Thick smooth and delicate lotus seed paste with egg yolk, is the best taste for the mid autumn. ..
Wing Wah Yellow Lotus Seed Paste Moon Cake with 2 Egg Yolks
Lotus seed paste carefully frying by master, sweet and fragrant sauvignon with top grade salted egg ..
美心流心奶黃月餅 HKF-2925
Exclusive double roasting, pre-roasting salted egg yolk, then into prepared custard filling, baked e..